Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Blue Autumn

I'm still here; still going. But I haven't felt much like writing; I am still dealing with the recent deaths of people I love. I did get out of the house one Saturday and took a drive to see what roads are open. We were able to go up Big Pines Highway and out Highway 2 as far as Vincent Gap before we hit the road closures still in place after the Station fire. The rangers at Grassy Hollow told us the roads would be opening November 30.

East Blue Ridge's dirt road is now closed until the end of ski season. Mountain High already had at least one slope running. We stopped at Jackson Lake, now severely low at the end of the season, and ate our picnic lunch inside the van as it was less than 40 deg outside. A stop at my favorite crack seed shop outside the islands, and then we were home.

I am really jonesing to go hiking again; hopefully the forest will open when the roads do on November 30. But all the back roads, like 3N17, close from November until May. So we may have to find somewhere else to play for awhile!

Skiers at Mountain High resort.

Jackson Lake.

Where I'm standing used to be underwater.
Now the cattail cleanup begins!


Devil's Horn moon.

My picnic view (from inside the van).

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