Sunday, April 3, 2011

First Day

Off the Sofa

It has been over a week since they stopped radiating my body, but I am not just bouncing back quite the way I thought I would. The doctor told me the radiation will continue to kill cells for approximately four or five more weeks after we stopped. No wonder I am feeling so low! My white blood count was a mere 2.0 this week (on a scale that starts at double that).

I still require home health care and have been stuck on the sofa. Yesterday, I tried to sit myself on the edge of the tub to help get myself out -- and boom, boom, out go the lights!!! Obviously still too puny to do anything.

I am still taking the Rx eyedrops to fight the radiation blindness, but today I could stand it no longer. I escaped the sofa and the house to sit in a chair outside in the fresh air. So even though it wasn't much, I'm declaring this my first official day of escaping the sofa.

This process is incredibly slow-going. But I remember well what I learned on Whitney -- just keep putting one foot in front of the other and don't stop moving in the right direction!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm following your amazing saga and inspired every day by your tenacity, stubbornness, and durability. The human body is an amazing creation but the human brain is beyond comprehension. I admire your mental strength - and keep you in my thoughts, prayers. Your room is waiting in Seattle.
Love, Karen